Destiny 2: Symbols

In order to be successful in the Vow of Disciples raid in Destiny 2, you need to study and track symbols to complete the puzzle.

The expansion to Destiny 2, the Witch Queen, is one of the best expansions because of its storyline and complicated gameplay.

One of the best raids in the Witch Queen is the Vow of the Disciples raid, which requires that you  study and find various symbols to get better rewards at the end of the raid.

Destiny 2 and the Witch Queen

Although many players enjoy playing Destiny 2 for the first-person shooting and looting capabilities, some of the expansions and new releases of the game have been underwhelming in terms of their performance and storyline in the past.

However, the release of Destiny 2: The Witch Queen expansion has seemingly disrupted this pattern. The Witch Queen expansion has impressed many players with its storyline and memorably-difficult campaign.

This expansion has also introduced new weapon-crafting capabilities and new enemies to the game, which has been a refreshing update, in terms of the gameplay mechanics, for players who have been playing Destiny 2 for a long time.

Destiny 2: Symbols

With The Witch Queen expansion, a new raid, called the Vow of the Disciple raid was also released. The Vow of the Disciple raid is not the biggest raid in Destiny 2, but it is one of the most substantial raids in the game and it requires you to solve quite a few difficult puzzles, communicate with your team throughout your gameplay, and fight a few bosses to eventually win the raid.

Destiny 2: Symbols
© Bungie

Besides the fact that The Witch Queen expansion, as a whole, tied up loose ends in storylines and re-contextualised a lot of the storytelling in Destiny 2, what really makes Vow of the Disciple stand out from other raids in the game is the challenging puzzles that you can complete throughout.

In order to complete the Vow of the Disciple raid without any errors, you have to find, study, and remember symbols that appear throughout the raid, along with your team, to ensure that you solve all of the puzzles correctly.

To truly understand the purpose of these symbols in Destiny 2, it is important that you understand what difference they make in the raid, what these symbols are, which rooms they are located in, and how you can use them to complete the Vow of the Disciples raid.

Why are the symbols important in the Vow of the Disciples raid?

In a raid, it can be relatively difficult to find teammates that play at the same level that you do or that communicate and work together effectively. The Vow of the Disciple raid requires excellent teamwork as you and your team need to run around tracking and shooting symbols throughout the raid together.

Therefore, it is recommended that you and your team study the 27 symbols before you enter the raid, as you may need to use a random combination of nine of these symbols to successfully complete the raid. The callouts for these 27 symbols are:

  • Light
  • Darkness
  • Earth
  • Tower
  • Guardian
  • Worship
  • Drink
  • Grief
  • Black
  • Garden
  • Black
  • Heart
  • Ascendant
  • Plane
  • Hive
  • Savathun
  • Love
  • Kill
  • Traveller
  • Neutral
  • Pyramid
  • Commune
  • Witness
  • Stop
  • Enter
  • Knowledge
  • Give
  • Worm
  • Fleet
  • Scorn

How do the symbols come into play in the raid?

Completing the puzzle that you need to solve in the Vow of the Disciples raid will earn you an extra chest that contains weapons with Deepsight Resonance once a week.

When you are in the raid, you can enter the pyramid into the Disciple’s Bog, which contains a totem featuring three symbols. These symbols are randomly selected from the above-mentioned 27 available symbols. You then need to find the rooms throughout the raid that contain these symbols and shoot at them to turn them on.

Where to find the symbols

In order to turn on the symbols during the raid, you need to visit the rooms that correspond with each symbol. Within these rooms, you will find a shard and when you shoot at it, a passageway to a specific symbol will be revealed.

To find these shards, it is recommended that you look out for Cruxes of Darkness or shards that are surrounded by an orange light. If you accidentally shoot the wrong symbol, you can deactivate it by simply shooting at it again until it is no longer lit.

Ensure that only the correct symbols are activated before you defeat the final boss, Rhulk, in order to receive the chest.

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